Look Left...

Or get killed...

It's been a month and a half and I think we've finally mastered this whole looking left thing.  It was a bit of a transition:  the first few weeks we instinctively looked the wrong way - despite the helpful signage pictured above. 

Then we moved into the "Yeah, I looked the right way.  See, I know what I'm doing.  Oops, no I don't" phase.  Here you have a false sense of confidence that almost always gets you killed. 

Then there is the "wait and see what everyone else is doing" stage.  This seemed to help except when you need to cross the road and no one else is there to follow.

Then, my favorite... you focus so hard on which way to look that you forget exactly what you're supposed to be looking for so you inevitably walk when you shouldn't.  This stage makes you feel like an idiot more so than any other stage.

Finally, you realize that there really are no rules or fast laws here - people cross when they want whether there's a car coming or not.  Pedestrians don't care, cars don't care, buses don't care, it's a free for all and whoever gets across the street alive considers it a good day!!   


Unknown said...

Be careful you guys! That sounds quite scary.

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