Globe Theatre...

Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, rebuilt...

It wan't until I passed by this structure ten times before I realized what it was... The entrance is actually a brick building labeled "The Globe Theatre."  So, you can see my confusion...  right? 

In 1949, Sam Wanamaker, an American actor and director, came to London for the first time.  He looked for the site of the original Globe and was disappointed not to find a more lasting memorial to Shakespeare and his theatre.

In 1970 he founded what was to become the Shakespeare Globe Trust, and in 1987 building work began on site when the six-metre deep foundations were laid. In 1993, the construction of the Globe Theatre itself began.

Sadly, Sam Wanamaker died on 18 December 1993. At that time, twelve of the fifteen bays had been erected. The plasterwork and thatching began the following year and were completed in 1997.

He tried to build it on the original plot of land, but a luxury apartment building had already been built.  The New Globe is about 500 yards a away from where it stood originally.  The last picture, what looks like a plaza, is where the original stood.  They have laid different colored brick - hard to see in the picture - designating where the original foundation sits 2 meters below the surface. 


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